Step 1: Install Panotools
You can download the Panotools source from here:
You can do a source installation. But, it is a real pain because Panotools requires other Perl modules and libraries and trying to install the required dependencies leads to further required short, a big mess.
So, the best way to install Panotools is through CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). Here are the steps:
$ sudo cpan cpan[1]> install Panotools::Script
Great! We are half way through.
Step 2: Install Hugin
The installation steps are given here in details:
If you want, you can read the above document for full details. But in short, the 3 commands below should get the job done.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/hugin-builds $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install hugin enblend autopano-sift panini
Done with all installations.
Example Usage:
The 2 commands that we will be using are: "erect2cubic" (which is a part of Panotools) and "nona" (which is a part of Hugin). You can read more about these commands in their man pages. Here is how you use these:
Here is the input image called "input.png":
Run the commands like this:
$ erect2cubic --erect=input.png --ptofile=cube.pto $ nona -o cube_prefix cube.pto
The "erect2cubic" command will generate a .pto file, which is a Hugin project. The "nona" command takes the Hugin project file as input and generates the cubic face images.
Here are the generated 6 cubic faces:
Thats it folks :)